I chose blue and white as the main colors for the web design because they convey a sense of professionalism, trust, and reliability. Blue is a color that is often associated with business, technology, and communication. White is a color that is often associated with cleanliness, simplicity, and clarity. Together, they create a contrast that makes the website look modern, elegant, and easy to read.
I chose Cabin font for text because it is a versatile and legible font that works well for both headings and body text. Cabin is a geometric sans-serif font that has a friendly and contemporary feel. It is inspired by the design of Edward Johnston’s famous London Underground typeface. Cabin is suitable for a website that wants to appear professional, but also approachable and dynamic.
I created a simple logo by typing the brand name using Cabin text only because I wanted to emphasize the name of the website and make it memorable. I also wanted to keep the logo consistent with the font and the color scheme of the website. I think that a simple logo is more effective than a complex one, especially for a website that focuses on content and functionality.
The stock photography for Headhunter is based on the theme and the tone of the website. I looked for images that show people in professional settings, such as offices, meetings, or interviews. I also looked for images that show diversity, inclusion, and teamwork. I wanted to use images that reflect the values and the goals of Headhunter, and that appeal to both recruiters and candidates.
I used Lorem Ipsum to lay out the text on most pages because I wanted to focus on the design and the layout of the website, rather than the content. Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text that is commonly used by web designers and developers to fill in the spaces where the actual text will go. It helps to create a realistic impression of how the website will look when it is finished. Lorem Ipsum also allows me to easily adjust the size, spacing, and alignment of the text elements.
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